Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Pirate's Life Isn't for Me

I can remember climbing into the back of my step father's truck, pretending it was a pirate ship and singing the song from Pirates of the Caribbean. (Or at least what I thought were the words, that song has some complex lyrics) I would tie a rock to the end of a rope and huck it overboard as my anchor and hold up an old towel as my sail. I'm sure my neighbors thought I needed to be committed.
One reason I had such an affinity for this ride is because of the first few minutes you are on the boat. You are loaded in and you shove off into the dark of a bayou, the clinking of silverware and smell of food wafting over from the Blue Bayou Restaurant. (which I still have never eaten at) This is one of the most peaceful moments for me in Disneyland. It is basically silent, aside from the sound of the water and the distant strumming on a banjo, (which I have always wanted to learn how to play, but everyone laughs and calls me a hick when I bring it up) Its basically pitch black except for the random flashing from neon bugs in the trees and hovering over the water. When we first moved to Georgia we were all outside on a muggy summer evening when my mother gasped at the sight of 'lightning bugs' or fireflies. "I always thought Disney made them up!"
You are lulled into this false sense of security by the easy drift past abandoned boats and a cast reject from "Deliverance" as you glide under a brick arch and are greeted by the talking skull mounted on the wall ahead. He speaks in a voice just above a whisper as he urges you to hold on (with both hands if you please) before the rushing sound of water alerts you to the eminent drop, or drops as it were. 

A quick cartoon of the drops

A Glimpse Behind the Magic
The reason for the two drops is to move you to the main show building, which requires you to pass under the railroad tracks. I originally thought they did it just to freak me out.
My favorite part of the ride (aside from the beginning) has always been the first few scenes, with the skeletons and the haunting sound of the music being played. There are quite a few rumors about the first few rooms;
1. In the bar room scene, the busty redhead depicted behind the bar is actually the same one that you will see later in the auction scene, after years of living the pirate life. I'm not sure I believe this one, but it makes it fun to look for.
2. The skull mounted on the headboard of the bed (with the skeleton looking through the magnifying glass) is either an actual human skull or a exact replica of one supposedly left to Disney by a zealous fan. I have a hard time believing this one as well, because if they were willing to mount real people's skulls in here, they would be swamped with them, mine included.
3. The Aztec chest from the first 'Pirates' movie is one of the last things you will see in these scenes. This one is true as confirmed by a special feature on the DVD.
Yeah, I have a piece of Aztec Gold.
They have added in a lot of new special effects to add to the experience since I was a kid, plus some Johnny Depps sprinkled about, but the good ones have stayed put. During the battle scene with cannon fire overhead I ALWAYS manage to get splashed. I don't get drenched, just splashed by one of the cannonballs hitting the water. I have always liked the Mayor getting dunked in the well and for some reason I have strange vivid memories about two other random pirates. The first is the one sitting on a bridge that you sail under, I always remember being repulsed by how dirty his feet were, and yet wanting to reach up and touch them; he also had a handkerchief between his toes when I was younger, but apparently too many other people had the urge to reach up and couldn't resist it. The second is the pirate with one foot on a boat and the other on land, for some reason I was always stressed that he was going to fall.
I also have to take a moment to also comment on something that I thought I was weird for loving; the smell of Pirates of the Caribbean. There is a musty, wet smell that I LOVE. I'm not sure if it's just the water, or if the smell just permeates the entire attraction, but I love stepping in the doors and taking a deep breath.
I know I would be a lousy pirate. I'm not terribly fond of being on boats for long periods of time, I like wearing clean clothes, I don't play the accordion (maybe if I played the banjo?) my facial hair grows in patchy and mostly as a goatee, my glasses would make seeing in the rain difficult, I'm very skinny so I get cold easily, I look terrible in hats and I'm not a big fan of being rude or violent for no real reason.
All that said; I would make an AWESOME Disney pirate! If you are ever lucky enough to be riding this ride with me, I'll show you the dance I'd want my pirate figure to do. On the off chance that Disney doesn't randomly select me to be added to the group of pirates, I guess I could be satisfied with my skull mounted somewhere instead.
Lesson Learned;
I could only be a good pirate in robot form...or the back of a truck.

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