Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Happier Happy Mansion

The Haunted Mansion Holiday through the trees.

So one would think that after my traumatic childhood interactions with the Haunted Mansion that I would have a developed a hatred for it, quite the contrary, it had become one of my favorite attractions. My more "mature" self learned to enjoy the change in atmosphere it brought to your day at Disney. So when I went back one year in October I was a bit disturbed to see that they had changed it to a "Nightmare Before Christmas" ride for the season.
Now I do have to say that I enjoy the movie. It's fun to think of Tim Burton working at Disney, like a dark, brooding creature surrounded by pastels and singing rodents, hunched over a drawing board to write this story out. The songs are very catchy and what else can you even listen to around Halloween time besides this soundtrack and 'Thriller'? I also found the only person I feel like I can believably dress up as for Halloween, Jack. This is probably the only time my extreme skinniness would come in handy, when dressing up as a skeleton in a suit. If I wasn't so utterly terrified of costumed characters I would try and get a closer look at Jack when he is walking around the park.
Jack and I as roommates..
At first I figured they would have just draped some black fabric around the mansion and shoved some random characters waving at you as you went past, but I was pleasantly surprised when almost every aspect of the ride was altered in some way. The outside of the attraction is decked out in Halloween/Christmas decor with pumpkins (all hand-carved) all over the property, Jack's garbage can sleigh perched on the roof, the countdown clock spinning wildly over the door and the scarecrow keeping guard on the front lawn.
I especially love the stretching room. In place of the usual portraits there are stained glass art that shatter as the room begins to stretch. They have done a new arrangement of 'Grim Grinning Ghosts' and boisterously play part of the tune as Jack's giant head appears above you. (I sing this short part almost constantly in anticipation whenever I know I get to go on this ride.)
A Glimpse Behind the Magic
The original portraits in the stretching room are actually still there, under the stained glass replacements. The creators where told they are so difficult to get set correctly that they needed to leave them where they were.
The whole attraction takes on a brighter, more neon/glow in the dark type of style, with characters from the film lurking all over. Every year they even have a haunted gingerbread house that is displayed on the ballroom table which is completely real! I love the smell of gingerbread in that room for the holidays.
The graveyard scene has been changed into a snowy Christma-ween party with the jovial music and singing pumpkins. Jack and Zero stand in place of the graveyard caretaker and his dog and welcome you to the fun. This figure is very impressive, I'm not sure how tall he is, but he is very imposing. I can see why people would be terrified to walk into their living rooms and find this guy putting presents under your tree.
Then they finally bring my favorite character into the ride;
Oogie Claws!! I like that even though he and Jack have had their differences, that he allows Oogie to finish off the ride, passing out gifts/tricks. Ive always been drawn to this character, I love his over-the-top personality and his neat design. In a movie full of creatures who are mischievous but generally good natured, Oogie Boogie is a real bad guy. He was going to kill Santa Clause for goodness sake. I think Disney needs to make more Oogie merchandise! There is Jack and Sally all over, but no Oogie? What gives? I really want an Oogie pin to wear around.

I love my cool Jack pins, but give Oogie some love Disney!
Lesson Learned;
Doing something different isn't a bad thing as long as you commit and make it the best that you can.


  1. Why don't you like costumed characters?

  2. There is something deeply disturbing about these giant furry things that cannot talk to me, which you have no idea who is inside. And anyone who cannot talk to me as themselves scares me too (face characters)Odd for someone who loves Disney
