Thursday, March 28, 2013

Splashing Down

Me in Splash Mountain with the gospel chicken!

I think I have established that I was not an adventurous child. I have never broken a bone or been rushed to an emergency room for any kind of injury because I'm just not a risk taker. Until I was about eight or nine, Splash Mountain was a risk I was just not willing to take. Being a rather small child, Splash Mountain looked HUGE looming over me every time we walked by. Mom would kind of urge me to go on it, but eventually I would bury my face in her hip and say that this wasn't the year for Splash Mountain.
I'm not sure what came over me that year, maybe it was hot enough or my sister teased me enough or because my Uncle agreed to take me on it, but I finally consented. I could practically feel my knees knocking together as we stood in line, my stomach tied in knots. The only thing worse than waiting in a long line, is waiting in a long line for something you are not sure you want to do.
We finally got to the loading point and I experienced for the first time what I still constantly experience; they put the smallest one up front. WHY?! I was obviously terrified, why would they put the trembling tiny kid in the front? Even now I frown when they motion me to get in the front of the log, I'm not sure why they think I'm so thrilled to get wet.
So we take off, every bump and click making me jump, for some reason I'm positive they are trying to trick me and drop me down the big hill without warning. The first part of the ride is outside, the sun shinning, cheery music playing as you glide easily along. What I didn't realize is there is more than one drop in this ride. They drop you a few times down smaller hills, like this is fun. I don't think I've ever been so afraid to let go of the sides of the log.
Inside the mountain, Splash Mountain does what Disney does best; lulls you into a false sense of security. They are singing chipper songs as you float past, B'er fox, B'er Bear and B'er Rabbit interacting with each other.
A Glimpse Behind the Magic
All the characters in Splash Mountain were harvested from a ride that resided in Tomorrow Land called "America Sings" which closed in 1988. (Besides the main characters) It was in the rotating theater where you would sit down to hear the critters sing songs from different eras before you would turn to a new stage. The cost of Splash Mountain was escalating so they pulled the happy crew out and transplanted them.
 Oh yeah, just relaxing
Oops, stuck?

Ha ha, oh that bear.
I had almost forgotten what this ride was at this point. The animals were all so happy and we  had rolled down a few hills that weren't too bad, it was actually kind of fun. I might have smiled a few times even. And then...
Oh dear. I gripped the sides of the log with a death grip as we clicked up the hill. You reach the top and see the certain doom that awaits you.
PS- That is not my hand..and this is the Florida Splash Mountain.
I have never heard of anyone actually falling out at this point in the ride, but at the time I was sure I was about to be blown out of the log like a leaf. I didn't see anything on the way down through my clenched eyes and gritted teeth. The drop seemed to last forever! When we finally hit the bottom I don't even remember if I got wet or not, I was just so relieved to be alive! As I slowly stopped hyperventilating we drifted into my favorite part of the ride, the showboat scene.
I love the gospel singing chickens!!
We weren't usually fond of buying on-ride pictures in my family, but when they caught a glimpse of my utterly terrified face they had to rush off and get it right away. I'm not sure where that picture is today (lost during a move no doubt) but it hung in my room for years after that. I was some kind of proud of myself for getting on that ride.
Lesson Learned;
Sometimes all it takes is the right circumstances for you to feel brave enough to try something you never thought you would.

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