Thursday, April 11, 2013

I Got No Strings On Me

We had no real order to our rides in Fantasyland, it mostly depended on which lines were the shortest, so I'm not doing these posts in order.
As far as Fantasyland is concerned, I really enjoyed Pinocchio. It is a classic dark ride that opened after the Fantasyland refurbishment. Much like the movie, its full of dark imagery and tense situations and a giant man-eating whale. Now why would a little scaredy cat kid like me enjoy this ride? Let me give you a little back story to explain..
My older sister tortured me for most of my childhood. She delighted in seeing how she could make me almost throw up (a stunt that resulted in us not being allowed to brush our teeth at the same time) finding new ways to scare me (convincing me she had died and that she was a ghost) or giving me bloody noses or kicking out baby teeth. There were multiple times when I would get kicked in the nose on a road trip which would result in me crying while I was passed tissues and told not to bleed on the upholstery.
I liked Pinocchio because for whatever reason it didn't scare me, but it did scare my sister. I would get to smile while we stood in line and watch her fret over this ride. She really seemed to hate the part when you encounter Stromboli and he locks you in a cage. It was one of the few times in my life that I felt more brave than my sister.
To be honest, Pinocchio is a terrifying movie and ride. The only semi-cheery parts were the 'There Are No Strings On Me' song (Which is still sad because the people are laughing at him and he doesn't even realize it) and the end when *Spoiler Alert* he turns into a real boy. The rest of this story is dark and disturbing! I still hate the part when they go to Pleasure Island and turn into donkeys. Then poor Geppetto goes out looking for him and get swallowed by a whale...where exactly did he think Pinocchio went? He honestly thought rowing around in the ocean was a good place to look for a lost puppet?
I loved the end of the ride when you see the Blue Fairy looking in on Pinocchio as he turns into a real boy before she vanishes, its a great effect.
A Glimpse Behind the Magic
The Blue Fairy uses the same tricks used in the Haunted Mansion, which is to say that the Blue Fairy is never actually in the room and only appears with carefully placed glass and lights.
I would smugly march onto this ride and secretly chuckle as my sister moped. I would climb off the ride and cheerfully suggest that we should go again. If my luck was in order that day we would walk back around and get back in line and I'd get to gloat for at least a few more minutes.
Puppet Me
Donkey Puppet Me

I'm a real boy!
Lesson Learned;
Everyone has fears and phobias, but when it's your sibling it's your job to make fun of them.

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