Monday, April 22, 2013


For such a simple ride, Dumbo the Flying Elephant certainly has a complicated history. Most of the drama happened way before my time, but I still find the process interesting.
The ride is very simple, you climb aboard and fly around in a circle with the ability to dictate the height of your specific elephant with a lever.
Originally the attraction was called "Pink Elephants on Parade"  because they thought it would be confusing to have a bunch of 'Dumbos' flying around. They fixed this issue by painting all the elephants pink and themed the ride after Dumbo's alcohol-induced visions of elephants made of bubbles. Walt was not pleased, however, and demanded they be painted grey. Walt probably had the right idea, I can't imagine many people being thrilled about flying in a hallucination.
The original Dumbos were built with hinged ears so that they would flap like wings as the ride went around. The effect never worked as well as they might have hoped, so the ears remained stationary until the elephants were replaced with models with stationary ears. 
The top of the ride has been adorned with a disco ball and a hot air balloon, topped by Timothy mouse holding a whip or the magic feather. And I would like to interject that I think Timothy is one of the best sidekicks in Disney history. He genuinely cares about Dumbo and proactively tries to make his life better. He is protective and sensitive to his life problems and does everything he can to help. I think Timothy is a much better companion than Jimminy Cricket, who kind of just lets Pinocchio do whatever he wants and interjects randomly.
Dumbo has been moved and painted and tweaked so many times for a ride that simply goes around in a circle. I think many people have fond memories of this attraction because it was one of the few times that you were allowed to control a vehicle as a child. You could be adventurous and go all the way up or be conservative and stay near the bottom. I honestly don't remember specifics about being on this ride as a kid, I think by this point Dumbo was a welcome change to the pace of the day and so I just enjoyed it.
A Glimpse Behind the Magic
When President Truman visited Disneyland he declined to ride Dumbo the Flying Elephant on the grounds that the elephant was the symbol for the republican party. Yet another reason why politics ruin all sorts of things.
The simplicity of this ride makes it seem too bland to really enjoy, but so many people have distinct memories of this ride because it's one of those attractions that Walt made Disneyland for; so parents and children can ride together.
Lesson Learned
Sometimes you have to rethink and change even simple things to make them perfect.

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