Monday, February 25, 2013

Pausing Peter Pan

So a little while back, I bought Peter Pan, which Disney just released from their infamous 'vault'. I have so many good memories of this movie, it was one that I watched over and over as a kid. Its always fun to watch with adult eyes after a few years, because a lot of the subtlety was lost on me as a child.
But this post is a bit of a rant.
So as I'm picking up this movie I was scanning the back for special features, which I end up watching more than the movie itself most of the time. (The extra; 'Growing Up With Nine Old Men' was so good!!) As I looked over the  features I noticed one that kind of caught me off guard, this "Disney Intermission". What is this? But what really bothered me was the description; "Press pause and see what happens."
Excuse me?
Are you threatening me Disney?
Apparently this was the threat; Say you are watching Peter Pan very loud on your surround sound and someone calls, you naturally pause to take the call. Instead of the silence of a normal pause you get constant chatter from the characters, completely defeating the purpose of a pause button. I had to get up and leave the room because there is no way to turn it off without just hitting stop. This seems like a bit of a flaw to me. Not only do the characters continue to talk, but their conversations seem to escalate in intensity like they realize you are trying to tune them out and they are just not having that.
You know I love Disney as much if not more than most, but this feature elicited a frown from me as I shuffled out of the room while trying to talk loud enough to drown out Captain Hook and Smee arguing about hiding things under coconuts.
Lesson Learned:
Someone will always call during the movie that doesn't shut up when you pause it.

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