Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Peter Pan's Flight

The movie, Peter Pan was a major part of my childhood. The summer was always in full swing when we would dig into my Grandparent's movie collection (Which really only included a few select films) and we could come up with Peter Pan in hand. We watched it repeatedly, then we would watch it again. There is something alluring I think to children about the ability to not grow up plus the ability to fly.
My Grandparents house had a staircase that criss-crossed up to their bedroom which my cousins and I would turn into a makeshift stage for our constant performances, and one of our favorites was Peter Pan. I would drop in from the upper staircase (no socks, or you would slip and fall on the hardwood floor) do a bit of stellar acting, then I would grab hold of the banister and pull myself up to make it look like I was taking off in flight. I'm not sure how many times my poor Grandparents had to sit through this show, but kudos to them for being good sports about it.
That being said, I am always shocked at the extensive line for this attraction. I'm not sure why the line is almost always the longest one in Fantasyland, but as an adult I have only braved the line a few times. I do love this ride, but I'm not sure how my family kept their sanity standing in this long line with my sister and I.
I loved this ride because of a few things; first would be the cars hanging under the track. I had honestly never seen that before and I loved the illusion of flying that it produced. Secondly, who doesn't love the scene where you fly over London all stretched out in miniature? Not only is the city amazing, but this was one of the first times I encountered black lights. I was just as fascinated with my glowing shirt or shoelaces as I was with the ride.
A Glimpse Behind the Magic
As you fly out of the Darling's window at the beginning of the ride, the blocks on the floor spell out "Disney'
Fantasyland really delivers with this ride, which is why it is a staple for most people. The simplicity of the dark rides makes them even more impressive when they can take your breath away, and soaring out through the night sky over London never fails to impress.
Lesson Learned;
Sometimes it doesn't take anything over the top to create a lasting memory.
BONUS- Peter Iron Pan. Just for fun.